Does not work during The Beast's fight, instead merely teleporting Isaac to a random location in the room.If used in Womb II, Utero II, or ?, the beam will always teleport Isaac to Cathedral.These items will not disappear along the 'choice' pedestals. In addition, on Chest or Dark Room the aforementioned chests will include items. If used on one of the final floors of the game, such as Chest, Dark Room, The Void, or Corpse II, the beam of light will be replaced with a Crawl Space that leads Isaac back to the starting room of the floor he used it on.For every item removed using Genesis, there will be a set of three items from the removed item's pool to choose from, each set appearing one after the other.The only way out is through the beam of light, which teleports Isaac to the next floor (with some exceptions, seen below). It has a Bed, two random Chests, two Grab Bags, and a random Trinket. Isaac is teleported to a unique Clean Bedroom that acts like an I AM ERROR room. On use, everything that Isaac has, including stats, consumables, trinkets, and all items except for starting items and quest items, are removed.